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The Pros and Cons of an Expat Retirement

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Each year, we see big changes and new 55+ developments throughout the country. 2019 marked a big year for many reasons, which is why 55places is looking back at our most read blog posts of the year, from award winners to snowbirding 101, here’s what active adults were looking for in 2019.

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Jacksonville, Oregon

One of the first gold mining towns in the state of Oregon, its legacy remains as a town of great beauty and history.  The Jacksonville Historic District is now a U.S. National Historic Landmark.  The town has 2,800, residents, and is a few miles west of Medford in the Rogue Valley, More>>

Portree, Scotland

Portree is the major town on the sparsely populated Isle of Skye, an island off northwest Scotland. As the regional center and a very popular tourist stop this village of 3,000 would make a great place for an outdoor loving retiree to settle down.  There is a very pretty downtown, a fishing port harbor worthy of a postcard, and beautiful mountains surrounding it.  More »

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Sunset Beach, North Carolina

A small and affluent beach town of just over 2,200 people, it is very close to Myrtle Beach (SC). The average age here (60) is relatively high, reflecting its popularity as a retirement spot. Other nearby towns on this site worth checking out include Ocean Isle Beach and SouthportMore>>

Module 7: Pros and Cons of an International Retirement

Our Retirement 101 Series continues today with Module 7: The Pros and Cons of an International (Expat) Retirement.  While you read extravagant promises of luxury living on a Social Security income, the reality is a bit more complex. More>>

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